Free Greek Myths By Olivia Coolidge Programs
From the terror of Medusa and the Minotaur to the Labors of Heracles and journeys of Theseus, the stories in this collection have thrilled and enthralled people for centuries with their high drama, hazardous quests, and unforgettable characters (both mortal and immortal). Under Olivia Coolidge’s skillful pen, the landscape of early Greece and its famous legends bloom with From the terror of Medusa and the Minotaur to the Labors of Heracles and journeys of Theseus, the stories in this collection have thrilled and enthralled people for centuries with their high drama, hazardous quests, and unforgettable characters (both mortal and immortal). Under Olivia Coolidge’s skillful pen, the landscape of early Greece and its famous legends bloom with vigor and are perfectly suited to the adventure-seeking reader.
Throughout your years in school no matter the grade references to Greek Mythology are always made. If you are like me and you enjoyed learning about the myths than 'Greek Myths' by Olivia Coolidge is the book for you. This book has short stories of all the popular gods and the minor gods you may have never known existed.
If you are like me and you enjoyed learning about the myths than 'Greek Myths' by Olivia Coolidge. Its full of short stories about the Greek Gods. Author program.
Ksp 0.90. This book is great for the type of reader who cannot get involved in a long drawn book. Since the book has many stories it is easy to pick up and put down without forgetting wha Throughout your years in school no matter the grade references to Greek Mythology are always made. If you are like me and you enjoyed learning about the myths than 'Greek Myths' by Olivia Coolidge is the book for you.
This book has short stories of all the popular gods and the minor gods you may have never known existed. This book is great for the type of reader who cannot get involved in a long drawn book. Since the book has many stories it is easy to pick up and put down without forgetting what has happened in previous chapters. Coolidge writes the book for all ages. The content is easy enough for the younger audience to comprehend and a great refresher for the older audience. She formats it so you can look up the god you would like to read about and then you can find stories of the god/goddess. The sections themselves are easy to read which keeps you interested and wanting more.
You are going to be constantly interested if you choose this book. My favorite story was the story of Hercules. This section goes into great depth of the life of Hercules. Starting off with his life as a young child all the way to his death.
In order to find out how he died you will have to read the story yourself. The book covers all gods from Zeus and Poseidon all the way to Hermes. Each god has at least one story of the adventures in their life. One problem is, the sections leave out some information leaving you with many questions.
Although there is that small problem it is still an excellent book that I would recommend to anyone who likes Greek Mythology and wants to refresh their memory. Summer garage sales yield worthy finds. Dating back to 1949, “ Hercules & Other Tales From Greek Myths” was the first 'Scholastic Book' by Olivia E. Coolidge, only recently deceased at 90. It is proven again and again that writers live long! She specialized in summarizing history for children, successfully educating them in subjects swept under the carpet. In one night, Olivia's brevity has me exceedingly more richly-versed in Greek lore than ever before.
This isn't to say I find their mytholo Summer garage sales yield worthy finds. Dating back to 1949, “ Hercules & Other Tales From Greek Myths” was the first 'Scholastic Book' by Olivia E. Coolidge, only recently deceased at 90. It is proven again and again that writers live long! She specialized in summarizing history for children, successfully educating them in subjects swept under the carpet. In one night, Olivia's brevity has me exceedingly more richly-versed in Greek lore than ever before.
This isn't to say I find their mythology palatable in the least. The chapters on Hercules in particular were off-putting because they involved using force to subdue a person or animal. Although mercifully, harmless animals were seldom killed; most Greek themes were unpleasant. They either involved tricking or forcing someone to do something; not only against their wishes on the spot but for all eternity.
Hades wanting a wife in the underworld for instance, takes an unwilling daughter from a distressed mother. This myth is the explanation for why plants don't grow for a period of winter. The months the daughter can live on Earth, result in joy for their family and growth for all in spring. Unpleasant as these stories can be, however, they are the origins of familiar terminology. The name Hermes, messenger of Mount Olympus, is from whence derives the 'Hermetic code'. A book of maps is what we call an atlas.
Atlas happens to be a God who was enlisted to hold the sky on his shoulders. Aphrodite was Goddess of love and from her, comes the noun 'aphrodisiac'. By cutting these stories to their core contents, Olivia furnishes us with instant proficiency in this angle of history. Mythological or not, it is wise to know where concepts come from because a trace of the Greeks remain in our culture to this day. This book is actually more interesting than you would expect. Greek mythology is something enjoyed by many people and ignored by many more which is unreasonable when such a great story can be taken from the theme.
The set up of the book came in different 3-4 paged chapters. Each chapter was a different story from ancient Greek culture. It's set in ancient Greece but the time and place of the story varies between chapters as there is a large, diverse amount of characters including Major gods, min This book is actually more interesting than you would expect. Greek mythology is something enjoyed by many people and ignored by many more which is unreasonable when such a great story can be taken from the theme. The set up of the book came in different 3-4 paged chapters. Each chapter was a different story from ancient Greek culture.

It's set in ancient Greece but the time and place of the story varies between chapters as there is a large, diverse amount of characters including Major gods, minor gods, nymphs, heroes and general humans. Personally, I enjoyed this book because I already have a liking for Greek and Roman Mythology. I also like this particular type of book setup, where you can never get bored because each chapter is it's own entertaining and descriptive story. I also liked the fact that is wasn't just basic common stories such as Hercules, The birth of Athena, Hermes, etc. Each chapter was it's own story with it's own build up and climax which made it endlessly amusing to me. I highly suggest this book or similar books to others of the Greek mythology-loving community. I enjoyed reading this book and really liked that Hercules could always do the tasks that the king told him to do, even if they were so difficult that the king thought he could get rid of Hercules through them.
I also liked the story about the poor couple that gave the gods a meal and a bed, even though they did not have much to offer. If you like reading fantasy books, this is a good one for you.
HG I think the book Hercules is a good book because it talks about greek myths and heroes who saved I enjoyed reading this book and really liked that Hercules could always do the tasks that the king told him to do, even if they were so difficult that the king thought he could get rid of Hercules through them. I also liked the story about the poor couple that gave the gods a meal and a bed, even though they did not have much to offer. If you like reading fantasy books, this is a good one for you. HG I think the book Hercules is a good book because it talks about greek myths and heroes who saved the day. It has a lot of different myths in it too.

My favorite myth was the myth of Hercules because I liked to read about how he accomplished his 12 labors that the king ordered him. If you like myths then I would consider reading this book. There is a reason these myths are still so popular: they are satisfying. But not in the way Scripture is.
Olivia E. Coolidge
The Bible is qualitatively different. It's not just more sober, it is self-authenticating as the Word of the God who is not silent. But these tales are so woven through Western literature, culture and our collective memory that they need to be known.
And they're fun. They're even artistically beautiful at times. And since these gods are dead and buried in ancient history there is no fear that There is a reason these myths are still so popular: they are satisfying. But not in the way Scripture is.
The Bible is qualitatively different. It's not just more sober, it is self-authenticating as the Word of the God who is not silent. But these tales are so woven through Western literature, culture and our collective memory that they need to be known.
And they're fun. They're even artistically beautiful at times.

And since these gods are dead and buried in ancient history there is no fear that someone reading them will suddenly be tempted to bow down to Hera again. Indeed, they are part of the gift of the Greeks that God gaven the Church-to be used artistically. Love the myths and these were told well. Greek myths is a good book to read.
I like this book because I like myths stories. Before I read this book, I once watched a cartoon which called Greek myths.
But this is the first time that I read a book about Greek myths. Greek myths is a classic originals. Worship and sacrifice to god is a very important part of life in ancient Greece. This is one of the reasons I like it. The English language in this book is not very difficult and there are many short stories in this book, it’s easy to read i Greek myths is a good book to read.
I like this book because I like myths stories. Before I read this book, I once watched a cartoon which called Greek myths. But this is the first time that I read a book about Greek myths. Greek myths is a classic originals.
Worship and sacrifice to god is a very important part of life in ancient Greece. This is one of the reasons I like it. The English language in this book is not very difficult and there are many short stories in this book, it’s easy to read it. I was going to practice my english.
This is why I choose this book as my IR book. If there are more Greek myths, I will continue to read the series. This was a great introduction to the Greek myths. Its full of short stories about the Greek Gods and heroes that can either be read in succession or pick out your favorites. Perfect for kids and adults alike, its fun and easy to read and has cool illustrations. It not only has those myths that are widely known such as Hades and Persephone explaining why the seasons change but also lesser known myths such as when Hermes was a baby. If you love Greek mythology you should pick this one up.
This is on This was a great introduction to the Greek myths. Its full of short stories about the Greek Gods and heroes that can either be read in succession or pick out your favorites. Perfect for kids and adults alike, its fun and easy to read and has cool illustrations. It not only has those myths that are widely known such as Hades and Persephone explaining why the seasons change but also lesser known myths such as when Hermes was a baby.
If you love Greek mythology you should pick this one up. This is one that kids of all ages will definitely enjoy.