Boston University Bs Md Program
It has eight-year BA/MD and BS/MD programs for students majoring in biomedical engineering. Program Length in Years: Boston University School of Medicine: 8.
What is the advantage of applying to an accelerated BA/MD program? » Click above to reveal answers Even for a student with the best academic and extracurricular attributes, the medical school admissions process is often very stressful and expensive. Having early admission to a medical school relieves much of this stress, while allowing you to focus your energies on your own interests in college rather than on playing the medical school admissions game. If you are already 100% sure you want to be a doctor, accelerated programs are a much easier path. Do I still have to take the MCAT? Will there be a minimum GPA in college?
» Click above to reveal answers This varies by school, but many will require a minimum score on the MCAT. For the most part, this score will be lower than what most students would need to be extremely competitive in regular medical school admissions. Similarly, many schools do require a minimum GPA, which varies by program. See answers to other commonly asked questions. Updated: August 2017 We have compiled a list of 6-, 7-, and 8-year single and combined medical programs for your convenience.
We have made every effort to try to keep this list as up to date and as accurate as possible. If you see any discrepancies, please let us know so that changes can be made! If you have any questions about the process or about the programs, please contact us! Whether you're still deciding if these programs are for you, or already in the application process, we are here to help. A.
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Filter Programs by Region. West. Midwest. Northeast. South. Baylor University / Baylor College of Medicine 8 year program Baylor University and Baylor College of Medicine grant six outstanding high school students provisional acceptance to Baylor College of Medicine upon matriculation to Baylor University.
One of the six students selected receives a scholarship valued at $80,000. It includes $10,000 per year for four years of undergraduate study at Baylor University and four additional years of medical study at Baylor College of Medicine. The other five students receive a scholarship valued at $8,000 covering $2,000 per year for four years of undergraduate study at Baylor University. Students need to have scored 1420/1470 (old/new) or above on the SAT (math & critical reading) or a 32+ on the ACT, rank in top 5% or possess a minimum 3.7 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Boston University / Boston University School of Medicine 7 year program The College of Arts & Sciences and the School of Medicine of Boston University offer a combined curriculum that provides an outstanding medical education while shortening the overall period of study. Qualified applicants include students who are completing four full academic years of secondary education and who are currently high school seniors, or students who have completed high school but have not enrolled in any college-level, degree-granting program. See our BLOG for everything you need to know about this program.
Brooklyn College / SUNY-Downstate Medical Center 8 year program The Coordinated B.A.-M.D. Program is one of the most prestigious programs at Brooklyn College.
The program is more than 40 years old and selects students who are not only academically strong, but who also exhibit interests in many areas, such as science, arts, sports, music, student government, student newspapers, research, community service, etc. Our program has the advantage of permitting its students to choose any major and actually encourages them to major in the humanities or social sciences.
Students are not isolated as a group, but take classes with the general population at the college and are enthusiastic participants in on-campus activities and events. Students who successfully complete an honors undergraduate premedical curriculum receive a baccalaureate degree (B.A. Or B.S., depending on major) from Brooklyn College and enter SUNY Downstate College of Medicine for their graduate studies. Each student accepted to the B.A.-M.D. Program is awarded a Brooklyn College Foundation Presidential Scholarship that provides up to $4,000 annually for four years of undergraduate study. Brown University / Brown University School of MEdicine 8 year program For approximately 50 strongly motivated freshmen, the Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME) offers a unique opportunity to combine undergraduate education and professional studies in medicine into an eight-year program. PLME students may choose to work toward an AB or ScB degree in the sciences, or toward an AB in the humanities, social sciences or behavioral sciences.
Average SAT scores over last 5 years: CR741/M756/W741. Caldwell University / New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers 7 Year Program Applicants must have at least a 3.5 GPA and be in the top 10% of their high school class. Their M/CR SAT scores must be at least 1400 (if taken before March 2016, at least 1450 if taken after). Students must indicate their interest when they apply to Caldwell University. To continue to the medical school, admitted students need to maintain a specific GPA (3.5 for Rutgers) and receive a competitive score (as determined by the medical school) on the MCAT. Caldwell University / St George's University School of Medicine 7 Year International Program Note: We recommend speaking with our advisors regarding the pros and cons of international programs.
Applicants must have at least a 3.5 GPA and their M/CR SAT scores must be at least 1200 (if taken before March 2016, at least 1270 if taken after). Students must indicate their interest when they apply to Caldwell University. To continue to the medical school, admitted students need to maintain a specific GPA (3.4 for St. George’s) and receive a competitive score (as determined by the medical school) on the MCAT.
California Northstate University / California NorthState University College of Medicine 6-7 year program The College of Health Sciences (CHS) at California Northstate University (CNU) offers high school applicants the Pre-Medicine to Doctor of Medicine (Pre-Med to MD) Combined Programs to enter the profession of medicine in an accelerated time frame if they meet specific criteria. Students accepted to the Pre-Med to MD Combined Programs begin their program of study in the undergraduate program of CHS. By working closely with CHS pre-health advisors, students are able to complete all the required criteria and academic course prerequisites. Each year, students in the Pre-Med to MD Combined Programs will also be required to participate in at least one campus activity of the College of Medicine (COM). The COM’s campus activity program educates pre-medicine students of their future profession through community health service opportunities, specialty career exploration workshops, lab experiences, and special professional education sessions.
The Pre-Med to MD Combined Programs offer priority acceptance to COM for students who meet all the COM admission criteria after their second or third year of study in the undergraduate college. In addition, students have the opportunity to complete the MD degree in an accelerated time frame-six to seven years instead of the traditional eight years. For the 6-year program, minimum requirements include: 3.75 GPA, 1360/1400 (old/new) SAT, and 31 ACT. For the 7-year program, minimum requirements include: 3.6 GPA, 1290/1350 (old/new) SAT, and 29 ACT. Case Western Reserve University / CWRU School of Medicine 8 year program Each year, 15 to 20 exceptionally well-qualified high school seniors who plan to pursue careers in medicine are offered places in the Pre-Professional Scholars Program in Medicine. Pre-Professional Scholars receive a conditional commitment of admission to the University Program of the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine to be honored upon successful progress toward and completion of the bachelor’s degree. The Pre-Professional Scholars Program in Medicine requires eight years: four years of successful undergraduate study leading to the bachelor’s degree followed by four years in the University Program of the School of Medicine.
Pre-Professional Scholars in Medicine who complete their undergraduate degree requirements in less than four years are required to pursue other experiences intended to enhance their professional and personal development during the period following the receipt of their bachelor’s degree and until study at the School of Medicine begins. MCAT not required. College of New Jersey / New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers University 7 Year Program This is a joint undergraduate-medical degree program in which a student spends three years at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) in an approved major, and four additional years at New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers University (NJMS). Approved undergraduate majors currently include biology, biomedical engineering, chemistry, economics, engineering science, mathematics, English, history, philosophy, physics, and Spanish. Upon successful completion of the first year of medical school (year four), the student is granted the BS or BA degree in the chosen undergraduate major from TCNJ. The MD degree is awarded after successful completion of the program in the seventh year by NJMS. MCAT is required.
Minimum requirements include: 1500 SAT (CR + M), or 33 on ACT, and rank top 5% in graduating class and/or unweighted GPA of 4.5/95%. In 2015, average scores were: 1550+ SAT I, SAT II scores 730+, and ACT 35. Drew University / New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers 7 Year Program A formal articulation agreement between the College of Liberal Arts of Drew University and the New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers University (NJMS) makes it possible for prospective first-year students to apply directly to a special, seven-year dual-degree program in medicine. Students are admitted simultaneously to both Drew and New Jersey Medical School. They then spend three years of study at Drew and four years at NJMS, completing both the B.A. Degrees in seven years.
The seven-year combined degree student will receive the Francis Asbury Scholarship worth $25,000 per year for three years and the BA/MD Scholarship worth $20,000 a year for three years, for a total award of $45,000 per year. Minimum requirements include: unweighted GPA 3.8, SAT 1500+ (CR+M) or ACT 33+ Drexel University / Drexel University College of Medicine 8 year program The Drexel BA/BS/MD accelerated degree program will no longer be offered after the fall 2017. Starting in the fall of 2018, Drexel will offer a BA/BS + MD Early Assurance Program, a 4 + 4 combined program that allows students to gain early acceptance into both their undergraduate program and medical school at the same time. Candidates must rank in the top 10 percent of their high school class and have a combined SAT score of no less than 1360 on the 'old' SAT or a 1420 on the 'new' SAT, or an ACT score of no less than 31.
Applicants need a minimum 3.5 GPA, in top 10% of high school class, and maintain a minimum 3.6 GPA as an undergraduate (no grades less than a C), and a minimum MCAT score. Of note, there will no longer be any other affiliate undergraduate instituionts that also lead to Drexel School of Medicine.
Fisk University / Meharry Medical College School of Medicine 7 year program Note: NOT fully guaranteed admission from high school. Fisk University students who meet the academic expectations of this program can be accepted into the School of Medicine or Dentistry at Meharry Medical College after three years at Fisk, with the first year medical or dental school courses serving as elective course requirements to complete the 120 hours needed to obtain a B.A. At Fisk University. Acceptance occurs early in the second semester of the first year at Fisk University. Students who have strong ACT scores from their High School and maintain that academic excellence with a minimum GPA of 3.2 at Fisk during their first semester are eligible to apply to the program.
Florida Atlantic University / Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine 8 year program The Wilkes Medical Scholars Program is a highly selective, early admission program into The Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine for students who have a strong desire to pursue a career in medicine. Students receive a B.A. Degree from the Wilkes Honors College in Jupiter and the M.D.
Degree from FAU’s College of Medicine in Boca Raton in seven or eight years. Three applications are required for this program. Students must apply to the university, the Honors College, and the College of Medicine. Minimum requirements include Old SAT minimum score of 1450 (Critical Reading and Math combined) or a New SAT score of 1490 or a minimum ACT composite of 33, and weighted high school GPA of at least 4.30 Franklin Pierce University / St.
George's University School of Medicine 8 Year International Program Note: We recommend speaking with our advisors regarding the pros and cons of international programs. This combined degree program has a Caribbean twist, as it offers a pathway from your undergraduate study in Biology or Health Sciences at Franklin Pierce to the Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program at St. George’s University (SGU) School of Medicine or School of Veterinary Medicine in Grenada, West Indies. Upon completion of the four-year bachelor’s degree, you will progress into a four-year doctoral program in a tropical setting at SGU. Minimum requirements include cumulative GPA 3.5, SAT 1200 (CR + M) or ACT 26. Georgia Regents University / Medical College of Georgia 7 year program Georgia Regents University offers two programs which allow outstanding students the opportunity to achieve their BS and MD or BS and DMD degrees in only seven years. In each case students will spend their first three years in pursuit of the BS in Cell and Molecular Biology through the Department of Biological Sciences in the College of Science and Mathematics (CSM).
In their fourth year students will begin their four year program in medicine or dentistry through either the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) or the College of Dental Medicine (CDM). Courses taken in the first year of those programs will be used to satisfy any remaining course requirements needed to complete the BS degree.
Unweighted High School GPA: 3.7; Minimum SAT score (math/verbal): 1400; or Minimum ACT score: 30 George Washington University / George Washington University School of Medicine 7 year program A joint program of The George Washington University Columbian College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, the seven-year B.A./M.D. Program is a small competitive program designed for high school seniors who exhibit academic excellence, competitive (90%) SAT/ACT scores, leadership in activities, community service, and health care experiences, and have a strong desire to become a physician. Applicants must be in their senior year of high school education to apply for this program. They apply directly to The George Washington University via the Undergraduate Admissions Office. Grambling State University / Meharry Medical College 7-8 year program Grambling State University (GSU) and Meharry Medical College (MMC) School of Medicine have agreed to enter a partnership for increasing the number of African American physicians, one goal of Meharry’s three-year Center of Excellence Grant. Upon acceptance into the GSU-MMC Bachelor of Science/Doctor of Medicine (BS/MD) program, students receive conditional acceptance into MMC’s School of Medicine.
The length of the entire program is seven or eight years from entrance into the BS/MD Program at the undergraduate level through graduation from MMC. This includes three or four years of undergraduate study at Grambling State University and four years of medical education at Meharry Medical College. Students selected to participate in the program must agree to attend a six-week summer academic and clinical enrichment program at MMC beginning the summer following the freshman year.
Minimum Requirements include SAT 900 or ACT 20, overall and science GPA of 3.25/4.0. Hobart & William Smith Colleges / SUNY Upstate Medical University of Medicine 8 Year Program The Blackwell Medical Scholarship Program External Icon provides a unique opportunity for first-year students. Those who meet and maintain the standards of the program are guaranteed a place in our College of Medicine upon their graduation from Hobart & William Smith Colleges.
This program is for high school students who are from rural areas, underrepresented minority groups or are the first generation in their families to attend college. To be considered, you must: min SAT score of 1250/1310 (old/new), or ACT 28, 90% high school GPA Hofstra University / Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine 8 Year Program Entry to this program is highly selective, and only those who demonstrate superior high school achievement and academic aptitude, and who apply to Hofstra as first-time, full-time freshmen will be considered. Minimum requirements include: min SAT 1410 (CR + M) or ACT 32, GPA 3.7/4.0, and ranked 10% of graduating class Howard University / Howard University College of Medicine 6 Year Program While the University community has traditionally been predominantly black, Howard has been an interracial and cosmopolitan institution throughout its history, with students, faculty and staff of all races and from many foreign nations. All must meet the high standards of excellence of Howard University, which has the largest concentration of black faculty and student scholars in the country. Minimum requirements include: GPA 3.5, SAT 1950 or ACT 26. Indiana State University / Indiana University School of Medicine 8 year program For residents of rural Indiana only. The Rural Health Program is offered jointly by Indiana State University and the Indiana University School of Medicine. The mission of the program is to address the rural health needs of the State of Indiana by providing increased opportunities for residents from rural communities to obtain education and training in medicine.
For accepted students, tuition is waived for undergraduate study. Minimum requirements include GPA 3.5/4, 1200 (CR+M) on SAT or 27 on ACT Contact number: 812-237-2781. Monmouth University / St. George's University School of Medicine 8 Year International Program Note: We recommend speaking with our advisors regarding the pros and cons of international programs.
In this program, students will begin their studies at Monmouth University. After successfully completing four (4) years of undergraduate study and earning a Bachelor of Science degree at MU, qualified students who satisfy all respective admission requirements will proceed to Grenada and enter the first year of St. George's University School of Medicine or St. George's University School of Veterinary Medicine. Qualified medical students will be eligible to complete the first two (2) years of medical study in Grenada and the final two (2) years of this combined program in clinical rotations at affiliated hospitals in the U.S. And/or the U.K. Qualified veterinary students will be eligible to complete the first three (3) years of veterinary study in Grenada and their final clinical year at affiliated veterinary schools in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, or Ireland.
Montclair State University / New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers 7 year program Montclair State and Rutgers University offer a combined program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree at Montclair State and the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree at Rutgers. Its purpose is to permit highly qualified high school students to complete the required courses for baccalaureate and medical degrees in a seven-year sequence. Minimum requirements include: 1400 (CR+M), and top 10% rank of graduating class OR GPA 3.6 if no class rank available. New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) / American University of Antigua West Indies 7 Year (BA/BS + MD) or 8 Year (includes MS or MBA) International Program Note: We recommend speaking with our advisors regarding the pros and cons of international programs. AUA has established three agreements with NJIT: a Standard Articulation Agreement, a 3 + 4 Accelerated Program (BS/BA + MD) with the Albert Dorman Honors College, and a 3 + 1 + 4 Accelerated Program (BS/BA + MS or MBA + MD) with the Albert Dorman Honors College.
Typically students are in top 10% of graduating class. Historically, minimum requirements for the 7 year program include SAT 1350 (CR + Math) in a single sitting or ACT 30; and minimum requirements for the 8 year program include SAT 1400 (CR + Math) in a single sitting or ACT 31. New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) / New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers University 7 year program The NJIT/NJMS program consists of three years at an undergraduate school followed by a four-year medical program. Conditional acceptance assuming meeting minimum requirements and 3rd year interview by medical school. Minimum requirements include: top 10% rank of graduating class, 1450/1490 (old/new) SAT score (CR + M) or 33 on ACT New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) / St. George's University School of Medicine 7 Year International Program Note: We recommend speaking with our advisors regarding the pros and cons of international programs.
The Bachelor's/M.D. Program with St. George's University involves three years at NJIT, two years of study in Grenada (Caribbean Islands), then two years at St. Michael's Medical Center adjoining NJIT in Newark.
This accelerated program is available to anyone, including graduating high school seniors who are not US citizens or permanent residents. Minimum requirements include 1400/1450 (old/new) SAT (CR+M) or ACT 32. Typically students are in top 10% of graduating class.
Northwestern University / Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine 7-8 year program The Honors Program in Medical Education (HPME) admits students simultaneously to one of the undergraduate colleges at Northwestern University in Evanston and Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. As an undergraduate, an HPME student attends the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Communication, or the McCormick School of Engineering on the Northwestern Evanston campus. HPME students participate in a flexible, individualized undergraduate program that may be completed in three or four years prior to matriculation to Feinberg School of Medicine. Applicants are required to take SAT II Math and Chem. No min scores, but averages (2015-2016) include: SAT CR747/M792/W770, ACT 35 (Wr10).
Admitted students are generally at or near the top of their class. Pennsylvania State University / Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University 7 Year Program The Penn State-Jefferson Premedical-Medical (PMM) Program began in 1963 as an accelerated five-year program with one year (plus four summers) of undergraduate study at Penn State and four years of study at the Sidney Kimmel Medical College (SKMC) College of Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. In 1980, the program became six years, with students spending two years (including two summers) at Penn State and four years at the medical school. Currently, students must complete the seven-year program, three years (no required summers) at Penn State, followed by four years at the medical school. Due to changes in the 2015 MCAT exam, the PMM program became a seven-year only program.

A total score of 1470 or higher on the new SAT (Math plus Evidence Based Reading and Writing), 1420 or higher on the old SAT (prior to March 2016 - Critical Reading and Math sections), or a composite score of 32 or higher on the ACT. Applicants must rank in highest 10% of their high school class. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) / Albany Medical College 7 year program From Admission Website: 'The class entering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute each year is selected from a pool of more than 550 applicants. After careful review of applications at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Albany Medical College, students are selected for further review are are interviewed at the medical college. Academically, most applicants invited for an interview have combined critical reading and math SAT scores of 1425 or greater (on the 1600 scale). More detailed examination of the group of exceptional and promising young men and women beginning their first year studies at Rensselaer in a recent class shows that their combined critical reading and math SAT scores averaged 1471.
Of equal importance to their demonstrated academic ability is their distinctly superior level of maturity and motivation.' Rice University / Baylor College of Medicine 8 year program The Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars Program (MSP) promotes the education of students who are scientifically competent, compassionate and socially conscious. Rice and Baylor College of Medicine select up to 6 incoming freshmen each year to pursue a four-year bachelor's degree at Rice, followed by guaranteed admission to Baylor College of Medicine. There are no minimum requirements but average admission statistics to undergraduate studies at Rice are available on the website. Rutgers University-Newark College of Arts and Sciences / New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers University 7 year program The 7-Year BA/MD joint degree program is designed for high school seniors interested in pursuing a medical degree upon completion of their bachelor's degree. The program offers a guaranteed admission to medical school provided you maintain certain minimum progress requirements. The BA/MD program is offered jointly between the Newark College of Arts and Sciences and the New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers University.
Applicants must achieve a min 1400 (CR + M) on SAT, 32 on ACT, and be ranked in top 10% of graduating class. Siena College / Albany Medical College 8 year program With an emphasis on humanities, ethics and social service, the 8 year combined acceptance program between Siena College and Albany Medical College (AMC) is the first of its kind in the country.
Students accepted into the program earn a B.A. From Siena after four years and an M.D. From AMC upon completion of the medical curriculum. Minimum requirements include 1300/1360 (old/new) SAT scores, or ACT 30+, and rank n the top 10% of their graduating class Sophie Davis Biomedical Education / CUNY School of Medicine 7 year program The Sophie Davis Biomedical Education Program/CUNY School of Medicine is designed to attract students who have an outstanding academic performance in high school with a strong record in the sciences, mathematics, written and verbal communication skills and community service. Academically qualified students who demonstrate the maturity, integrity, compassion and motivation needed to become dedicated and highly skilled professionals are those most likely to succeed in the program.
A key factor considered in the admissions process is the applicant's potential and interest in pursuing a career as a primary care doctor in a physician shortage area. This includes opportunities and obstacles that students have experienced. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 85%. Bonaventure University / George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences 8 year program The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences and St. Bonaventure University (SBU) in New York have established an eight-year dual B.S./M.D.
Students accepted will spend four years at St. Bonaventure for their undergraduate work. Applicants must be in their senior year of high school education to apply for this program. Competitive academic work, SAT/ACTs, service, medically related experience are all required. Minimum requirements include: Competitive (90%) SAT/ACT scores.

Typically at least 1390 (ERW+M) new SAT or 1800 (CR+M+W) old SAT or ACT composite 30, SAT II in a science, high school average of 90+ St. Louis University / St. Louis University School of Medicine 8 year program Note: NOT fully guaranteed admission from high school. From Program Website: The Medical Scholar Program at Saint Louis University is an exclusive opportunity for first-time freshmen who plan to attend medical school. Students accepted into this highly-selective program will have the opportunity to gain conditional early acceptance to the SLU School of Medicine. The program provides early application privileges but does not guarantee acceptance to the School of Medicine. Scholars must still take and are expected to do well on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).
Medical Scholars must follow the program requirements, as set by the Office of Pre-Health and Pre-Law Studies, and be able to meet the SLU School of Medicine technical standards. Minimum requirements include: SAT 1390 (CR+M) or ACT 30.
During undergrad, scholars must maintain an overall and math/science GPA of 3.65. A certain number of seats are reserved for Medical Scholars at the St. Louis University of Medicine, but not all Medical Scholars will be able to matriculate to the medical school.
Stevens Institute of Technology / New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers University 7 year program Stevens Institute of Technology offers a combined accelerated degree are intended for exceptionally qualified students, and is made in partnership with the New Jersey Medical School at Rutgers University, the oldest medical school in New Jersey. Students must rank in the top 10% of their high school class, and achieve a combined SAT I score of 1400 (critical reading and math) in one sitting as well as take the SAT II in Mathematics Level I or Level II, and Biology or Chemistry. Stony Brook University / Stony Brook University School of Medicine 8 year program Stony Brook University offers an integrated eight-year program for students interested in attending medical school following their undergraduate degree either through their Honors College or WISE program, or through the College of Engineering and Applied Science. Students must maintain a minimum GPA and obtain a score at or above national average on the MCAT. Successful applicants to the program (the middle 50th percentile ranges) have historically had 98-99 high school GPAs and 1490-1590 SAT. (Critical Reading + Math) composites.
ACT exam scores are now considered in lieu SAT scores.Candidates must also have documentation of U.S. Citizenship or permanent residency in the United States. Temple University / Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine 7-8 year program Temple University's Pre-Med Health Scholar Program allows students the chance to excel in the competitive, changing field of health care. The program is designed for high-achieving students who have distinguished themselves with impressive high school academic records and a demonstrated interest in the field of medicine.
Applicant Academic profiles available on the website. Minimum requirements include: 3.8/4 unweighted GPA. Texas Tech University/Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine 8 year program For Texas residents only. By meeting the special requirements and deadlines of this joint program, a select group of entering freshmen are guaranteed admission to the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine after completion of a Bachelor's Degree at Texas Tech University. Minimum requirements include score of a 29 ACT, 1300 SAT (exams prior to March 2016) or a 1360 SAT (exams after March 2016), and 3.7 GPA, with preference provided for students in the top 10% of their class.
UMSI students are required to spend four years as an undergraduate at Texas Tech University and demonstrate significant evidence of health-related activities in a hospital or clinical setting before entering the School of Medicine. By waiving the MCAT requirement and guaranteeing medical school admission, UMSI gives students the opportunity to have a varied undergraduate education, which could include internships or study abroad. Early matriculation may be considered after students have completed at least three years of undergraduate study at Texas Tech University. These candidates must interview with select faculty from the School of Medicine.
Applicants must demonstrate accelerated levels of appropriate medical readiness. Students accepted into the UMSI program are required to complete the Honors College requirements as well. Union College / Albany Medical College 8 year program The Leadership in Medicine (LIM) Program is a direct-entry program that includes guaranteed admission to Albany Medical College—provided students meet Union College requirements for academic performance and extra-curricular involvement.
LIM also includes guaranteed admission to Clarkson University-Capital Region Campus for a master’s degree in healthcare management. That’s what makes LIM unique. Incoming first-year students who are accepted to LIM earn three degrees in eight years: a B.S. From Union College, an M.S. In Healthcare Management from Clarkson University-Capital Region Campus and an M.D.
From Albany Medical College. Ideal applicants rank near the top of the class, SAT scores above 1410/2010 (new/old) or ACT above 30. University of Alabama / University of Alabama School of Medicine 8 year program The Early Medical School Acceptance Program (EMSAP) is an undergraduate and medical school educational program which provides highly qualified students with an opportunity to have an enriched undergraduate experience in preparation for attending medical school. Graduating high school seniors must be admitted to UAB prior to applying to EMSAP. Minimum Overall GPA: 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale).
Minimum of 30 on the ACT or 1390 on the SAT. In the Fall of 2015, students had an average ACT score of 33.7 and a High School GPA of 4.49. University of Cincinnati / University of Cincinnati College of Medicine 8 year program Preference given to Ohio residents (though not exclusively). The Connections Program, a dual admissions baccalaureate/MD program, allows high school seniors to apply for and be accepted to both the University of Cincinnati undergraduate college and the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine simultaneously. Students must score a minimum 1300 (CR + M) on SAT or 29 on ACT to apply. Average statistics are available on the website.
University of Colorado / University of Colorado School of Medicine 8 year program For Colorado residents only. The BA/BS-MD degree program at the University of Colorado Denver and Anschutz Medical Campus aims to promote the diversity of medical professionals practicing medicine in Colorado and to better serve the health care needs of the State of Colorado by assembling 10 outstanding students each year from broadly diverse backgrounds who are Colorado State residents, and have the desire to serve the health care needs of Colorado as primary care physicians.
This program is a partnership between the University of Colorado Denver College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Being accepted to the program enables students to earn a 'reserved' spot in the University of Colorado School of Medicine provided he or she meets specific academic, non-academic, and professional requirements annually.
Minimum requirements include: 3.5 GPA, CCHE index score of 110. University of Evansville / Indiana University School of Medicine-Evansville 8 year program Indiana residents only. Admission to the University of Evansville’s B/MD program is highly competitive with approximately eight students accepted into the program annually.
Students accepted into the University of Evansville’s B/MD program will receive strong merit scholarship consideration to assist with their UE bachelor’s degree and provisional admission to the Indiana University School of Medicine-Evansville. Upon successful completion of a baccalaureate degree at the University of Evansville and meeting all B/MD program requirements, students will matriculate directly into the IU School of Medicine-Evansville. Typically, applicants have an approximate GPA of 4.0, and ACT 29 or SAT-1 1920 or SAT-R of 1350.
University of Connecticut / University of Connecticut School of Medicine 8 year program Connecticut residents receive special preference. UConn’s Special Program in Medicine links undergraduate preparation with four years of medical education, resulting in dual degrees from UConn: a BA/BS and a MD.
Students focused on a career in medicine can choose from our more than 110 undergraduate majors while taking advantage of opportunities in the UConn School of Medicine through special seminars and health-profession events. 25 applicants are chosen for interview. Applicants should have GPA of 3.5/4, SAT (CR + M) 1300/1350 (old/new) or ACT 29. Additional factors considered include, strength of recommendations, maturity, range and depth of extracurricular involvement; and commitment to the health sciences. University of Illinois at Chicago / University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine 8 year program For Illinois Residents only. The GPPA initiative allows a limited number of first year students per year to be admitted to UIC with guaranteed admission to one of several graduate or professional degree programs.
Students follow a specific curriculum and meet established performance criteria to maintain their admission guarantee. Over the years, a GPPA Medicine-specific core curriculum has been developed and the nature and success of the program has achieved national stature and admiration. Unlike many other BA/MD programs we do not make it mandatory for graduates to attend the University of Illinois College of Medicine, although a vast majority of our graduates do so.
The BA/MD program admits approximately 50 students each year out of 500+ applications. There are no specific minimum GPA requirements University of Missouri - Kansas City / University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine 6 year program From Program Website: Higher admission requirements for non-Missouri residents. Our six-year baccalaureate/medical degree program and our docent mentoring system expertly prepare tomorrow's physicians in unique and innovative ways. Admission requirements for Missouri residents: top 20 percent of class; ACT of 26 or above, Non-Missouri residents: top 10 percent of class; ACT of 28 or above OR SAT composite of 1200 (critical reading and math). University of Nevada / University of Nevada School of Medicine 7 year program This 7-year program is for Nevada residents only. Students accepted into this program will complete the first three years of the required undergraduate curriculum at University of Nevada, Reno, followed by the traditional four years of medical school.
Students must select from a limited number of science majors for this program. Approximately 12 students are accepted each year. In order to apply, a 1290 Math/CR SAT Score or a 29 or greater on the ACT is required. In college, students are required to maintain a 3.5 GPA and take the MCAT. University of New Mexico / University of New Mexico School of Medicine 8 year program This 8 year BA/MD program is open to high school students graduating from a New Mexico high school as well as members of an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo located wholly or partially in NM, and graduating from a local school. Applicants should be committed to pursuing a medical career in New Mexico's rural or medically underserved areas. A total of 28 students are accepted each year.
SAT requirement - 510 Math + 450 CR. ACT requirement - 22 Math + 19 Reading + 19 Science + 19 English. Students are required to take the MCAT during college. University of Pittsburgh / University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine 8 year program The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine’s Guaranteed Admit Program (GA) is for outstanding high school seniors who have been admitted to the University of Pittsburgh as undergraduates and are interested in attending the University’s medical school after completing their undergraduate degrees.
Boston University
Applicants must earn a minimum SAT (CR + M) 1490 or ACT 33. University of Rochester / University of Rochester School of Medicine 8 year program REMS is an eight-year BA/BS + MD program for outstanding undergraduates who are committed to pursuing a medical career.
Strong applicants typically have a 3.95 unweighted GPA and rank in top 3%. University of Science / The Commonwealth Medical College Invitation only. University of the Sciences has an articulation agreement with The Commonwealth Medical College (TCMC) through the Premedical Scholars Program that helps you make a direct entry to medical school. Strong consideration will be given if you meet the eligibility requirements outlined below and are a resident of Northeast or North Central Pennsylvania with an interest in serving a rural community.
Minimum requirements include: SAT (CR+M) 1150/1220 (old/new) or ACT 25, GPA 3.4+. University of Science / Cooper Medical School of Rowan University Invitation only. University of the Sciences has an articulation agreement with Cooper Medical School of Rowan University (CMSRU) that helps you make a direct entry to medical school.
Strong consideration will be given if you meet the eligibility requirements outlined below and are interested in becoming a primary care provider serving urban and underserved populations. Students who are residents of New Jersey or urban Philadelphia and surrounding areas are encouraged to apply to this program. Minimum requirements include: SAT (CR+M) 1150/1220 (old/new) or ACT 25, GPA 3.4+. University of South Alabama / University of South Alabama College of Medicine 8 year program Preference is given to applicants from Alabama and our Service Area Counties in Mississippi and Florida, although highly competitive applicants from outside these areas may be considered under special circumstances.
The College of Medicine Early Acceptance Program (EAP) offers a number of highly qualified high school seniors a conditional acceptance to the University of South Alabama College of Medicine contingent upon satisfactory completion of the program. In-Students must have a 27 ACT Composite (results of one administration; scores are not mixed from multiple tests), or 1220 SAT score (critical reading + math: we do not use SAT Subject Tests), or 1280 SAT score (if taken after March 2016) and a 3.5 GPA as computed by USA Admissions.
Out-of-state students must have 30 ACT Composite (results of one administration; scores are not mixed from multiple tests), or 1330 SAT score (critical reading + math: we do not use SAT Subject Tests), or 1390 (if taken after March 2016) and a 3.5 GPA as computed by USA Admissions. University of Southern Florida / University of Southern Florida Morsani College of Medicine 7 year program Students' first three years of college study will be completed at the Honors College at USF and the fourth year will be completed through the Morsani College of Medicine. A Bachelor of Science (B.S.) will be conferred following successful completion of undergraduate requirements (typically after the fourth year of study). Students applying for this accelerated program will complete a major in Biomedical Sciences (BMS). The Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) will be conferred after the successful completion of the medical program. For Fall 2016 and beyond, students must enter USF with a minimum Old SAT score of 1420 (based on math and critical reading sections) / New SAT score of 1470 or an ACT score of 32 to qualify for the program. The best composite score ('super score') will be considered.

In addition to one of these test scores, students must present a 4.0 weighted high school GPA University of Southern Indiana/ University of Southern Indiana School of Medicine 8 year program Indiana residents only. Admission to the joint B/MD program is a dual process. Students entering the program will be independently accepted into the undergraduate program at the University of Southern Indiana and the medical degree program at Indiana University School of Medicine. The purpose of this program is to increase the number of physicians providing medical services to residents of southwestern and southern Indiana, and to increase opportunities for Indiana residents, especially those in the southwestern and southern portions of the state.
Applicants need a combined critical reading and math SAT score of 1200 or composite RSAT. score of a 1290 (Evidence-Based Reading/Writing + Math) on a single sitting or an ACT composite score of 27 and a cumulative high school GPA of at least 3.5/4.0. Virginia Commonwealth University / Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine 8 year program Students must have a minimum of a 1330 combined SAT score from critical reading and mathematics from one test administration on your SAT1 or a 29 ACT composite score.
In addition, applicants must have an unweighted GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, or the equivalent. In 2017, the average unweighted GPA of these students was 3.94 and their SAT scores ranged from 1350 to 1580 (critical reading and math) with an average of 1465. ACT composite scores ranged from 30 to 36 with an average of 34. In addition, accepted candidates had accumulated an average of 450 hours of healthcare-related experience. Washington University in St. Louis / Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis 8 year program The University Scholars Program in Medicine gives highly motivated and focused students an early orientation to a medical career.
The Washington University School of Medicine consistently ranks among the top schools in the nation, so standards for admission are high. To continue to medical school as a University Scholar, you will need to fulfill all entrance requirements. Your pre-professional advisor will work with you as an undergraduate to make sure that you fulfill the prerequisites for medical school.
You will also need to maintain an overall minimum 3.8 grade point average (GPA) and achieve a minimum total score on the Medical College Admissions Test (equal to or above the 97th percentile). Washington & Jefferson College / Temple University Lewis Katz School of Medicine 8 year program Through the W&J/Temple School of Medicine Medical Scholars Program, Temple will reserve a limited number of medical school spaces for qualified incoming W&J freshmen each year. Students must have a combined SAT critical reading + math score of greater than 1350, with no score in verbal, math, or writing below 600, OR have an ACT Composite score of 31 or higher, and be in the top 5% of his or her high school class Wayne State University / Wayne State University School of Medicine 8 year program Wayne Med-Direct (Wayne M.D.) is a unique program that guarantees admission to Wayne State's School of Medicine and Irvin D. Reid Honors College for 10 students each year. Emphasizes mentoring and research by giving participants the opportunity to become part of the School of Medicine community during their undergraduate studies, leading to M.D.
Or combined M.D. Degree programs at WSU. Preference will be given to students from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds who are also interested in studying health disparities. Tuition in all 8 years are waived. Applicants must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and 1340 SAT or 30 ACT score.
Do you dream of becoming a doctor? If you’re set on going to medical school, then a combined BS/MD or BA/MD program might be for you. The majority of these combined programs allow motivated high school students to go right from undergraduate to medical school without having to go through another application process. While there aren’t a ton of spots available in combined programs, there are schools throughout the country that offer them.
Before we look at those, however, let’s review what BA/MD and BS/MD programs entail, as well as the pros and cons for high school and young undergraduate applicants. What Are Combined BA/MD and BS/MD Programs? Combined programs allow students to earn a bachelor’s degree —either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Bachelor of Science (BS) —and then proceed directly into a medical program for a Doctor of Medicine (MD). Since students are already accepted to medical school, they can forgo the typical medical school admissions process near the end of undergrad. Instead of applying separately to medical school, students just go through one major admissions process at the end of high school (or, occasionally, a condensed application process early in college). Programs that ask students to apply after first getting admitted to the college are typically referred to as early assurance programs.
Students in combined programs commit to a specific college and medical school or network of schools. This medical school is usually part of the same institution or a partner school in the same region or college network. For instance, the SUNY and University of Texas systems, along with the Eastern Virginia network, offer students various choices of medical schools among their connected or partner colleges. On the other hand, students in Boston University’s combined program would have to attend BU for both undergraduate and medical school. While combined programs offer students, some of them still require applicants to take and do well on the MCAT. Students must also maintain a as they work their way through required college classes. Many offers are conditional on the student's undergraduate and testing performance.
Most combined programs are the same length as non-combined ones: eight years. In other words, most students in direct medical programs will still go to college for four years and then to medical school for four years.
A few programs offer accelerated programs by compressing the amount of time spent as an undergraduate; these may be seven or even just six years in length. For example, Drexel University College of Medicine offers both an eight-year combined program and a seven-year combined program. It has eight-year BA/MD and BS/MD programs for students majoring in biomedical engineering or engineering. It also offers a fast-tracked seven-year BA/BS/MD program for students majoring in biological sciences, chemistry, psychology, or engineering. Most schools have either an eight-year or accelerated program, while others like Drexel offer both choices depending on your field of study as an undergraduate. Before taking a closer look at accelerated programs, let’s go over some of the pros and cons of combined medical programs for students.
Pro: you'll get to impress people by adding MD after your name whenever you sign it. Con: you might not be able to watch shows like Grey's Anatomy anymore because of all their medical inaccuracies. Combined BA/MD and BS/MD Programs: Pros and Cons Now that we've covered what exactly combined medical programs are, it's time to take a look at the pros and cons of entering one. Pros of a Combined Medical Program Applying to medical school is a competitive and stressful process, so the major pro of getting into a combined program is that you won’t have to go through all that application stress! Rather, you’ll be able to rest easy and focus on your academics, knowing you’ve already been accepted.
What's more, a combined program allows you to commit fully to your goals, and pursue medicine in your academic and professional path. You’ll be focused on medicine throughout your education and graduate with an MD. Not only will you have a steady educational and career path, but you can also benefit from the stability of studying at one school or in one system of schools. Through a combined program, you’ll get deeply immersed in a community and can get to know your professors and facilities well during your studies.
Finally, in addition to offering students a stable and challenging program in their chosen fields, many combined programs offer. Since they tend to be extremely selective, direct medical programs often offer to high-achieving students who get in. Getting this money can greatly assist you in achieving your educational goals.
Of course, there are some downsides to think about for combined medical programs. Let’s consider some of the cons of committing to a six- to eight-year program. Cons of a Combined Medical Program First, there's time: most combined programs involve eight years of intensive study.
Although these programs do eliminate the hurdle of a stressful med school application process, they also demand a huge commitment from high school students. Your goals could very well shift as you grow and have new experiences in college.
Combined programs call for a great deal of dedication and commitment from young students whose as they grow older. Of course, dropping out of the program is always an option if your goals change. If you do drop out but later change your mind and decide to reapply to med school, you might end up stuck at a school that wasn’t your first choice or find yourself lacking required courses. On the flip side, if you switch your major from pre-med to something else, you might have to add more semesters as an undergrad. As you can see, though possible, giving up such a selective program you worked hard to get into would almost certainly be a stressful and nerve-wracking ordeal in itself! Another potential con of some combined programs is the commitment to the same location for eight years. Some students might be ready to experience a new city after undergrad, but those in combined programs will likely have to stick around for another four years.
Though some combined programs involve relocating to a partner school, most are at the same university. Just as combined programs limit your choices in terms of medical schools and location, they also typically don’t offer much flexibility in curriculum. While your fellow students might discover different fields or participate in study abroad programs, your own course schedule might not allow for as much exploration.
This kind of intensive, structured program might be a pro for some students and a con for others. Just be aware that combined programs call for a big commitment at a young age, and carefully consider whether you’re ready to make that leap. Before we check out the full list of schools offering combined medical programs, let’s take a moment to go over accelerated programs and how they’re unique.
Accelerated programs take an already intense track of study and send it into hyperspeed. What Are Accelerated BA/MD and BS/MD Programs? An accelerated program is a type of combined medical program that's shorter than the typical eight years. Most of these programs are seven, but a few are as short as six years.
Usually, the undergraduate portion, rather than the medical school portion, is shortened. These programs might combine two required classes into one, or have students attend year-round by taking intensive courses throughout the summer. As with combined programs, students will move directly from undergrad into a medical school program to which they’ve already been accepted —they might just be a little younger than their peers.
Accelerated BA/MD and BS/MD Programs: Pros and Cons In addition to the considerations discussed above, what are some of the pros and cons specific to accelerated combined medical programs? Pros of an Accelerated Program As a combined program, an accelerated program shares all the pros discussed above, such as the opportunity to get early acceptance to medical school and to commit to a field of study you’re passionate about. Furthermore, the shorter time means you can enter medical school and earn your MD even faster, giving you a leap ahead into your profession by a year or more. Because these programs are shorter, they might also have a lower cost than the traditional eight-year path. Note that accelerated programs are by no means easier than non-accelerated ones; in fact, they’re usually even more challenging because they compress the same material and requirements into a shorter amount of time. If you’re a high-achieving, motivated student, an accelerated medical program may be just the kind of challenging and intensive experience you’re looking for.
Cons of an Accelerated Program The accelerated nature of these programs means that they demand even more of a commitment from applicants, who are often young high school students. These fast-paced programs are a huge challenge and offer even less flexibility than the regular eight-year combined programs.
If you commit to an accelerated program, not only do you have to be absolutely sure about your decision to earn your MD in a shortened period of time, but you also have to be prepared to miss out on some normal undergraduate experiences. As someone studying on the fast track, you won’t have as much time to explore, socialize, or perhaps. Such experiences as these can be enriching parts of college, so think deeply about whether you’re ready to limit them. Additionally, accelerated programs often require students to study year-round, limiting the potential for summer jobs, travel, and/or internships. These programs can be grueling, packing already tough classes like Organic Chemistry I and II into one semester. The main risk here is that the stress could turn you away from a path you would've otherwise enjoyed had you instead taken the slower route. Finally, because the program is shorter than others, you need to do your research to make sure it’s high quality.
Whether you’re committing to a combined or accelerated program, it's important to do extensive research to ensure you’re committing the next six to eight years of your life to the best program for you. Choose a medical school already! Your cat is tired of playing patient. Combined BS/MD and BA/MD Programs: The Full List Below is our most updated list of combined BS/MD and BA/MD programs in the US. We’ve divided the list as follows:. Programs you.
Early assurance programs you apply to after you get accepted to or enter undergrad Some schools have several medical programs lasting six, seven, or eight years. You can click on the name of each school to learn more about its combined medical programs and admissions process. Note that there are a few combined programs on the list that are only available to state residents (or require students to become state residents once they matriculate as an undergrad). These programs have been marked with an asterisk. Combined BA/BS/MD Programs for High School Applicants With these combined programs, you apply as a high school student and get guaranteed admission to medical school.
To keep the offer valid, you’ll have to take required courses and maintain a certain GPA. Despite your guaranteed admission to medical school, you might still have to take the MCAT for some of these BA/MD or BS/MD programs.
School Program Length in Years 7 or 8 8 7 or 8 8 6 or 7 8 7 7 or 8. 7 or 8 7 or 8 7 or 8 8 6. 8. 8 7 or 8. 6 or 7 7 or 8 8 8 8 7 or 8 6, 7, or 8 8 8 8 8. 8.
8 8 8 8. 8. 8. 8. 8 7 or 8 6. 7.
8 7 or 8 8 8. 8 7. 6, 7, or 8 7, 8, or 9 8 8.State residents only, or state residents preferred So your preferred program wants you to wait and apply as an undergraduate? I guess your pets can put up with this doctor-patient make-believe game just a little longer. Combined BA/BS/MD Programs for Undergraduate Applicants The following schools offer programs you apply to once you’ve already been accepted there as an undergrad. They might ask you to apply as a freshman or sophomore. Like the list above, you can click on the name of each school to read more about its BA/MD and BS/MD programs, in addition to its admissions process.
School Program Length in Years 8 8 8 8 7 or 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 7 or 8 7. 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 or 8 8 7 8.State residents only Now that you’ve seen the full lists of combined medical programs, let’s review some points to consider if you’re deciding to a BS/MD or BA/MD dual degree program. A combined medical program isn't exactly 'until death do us part,' but it's still a big commitment!
Make sure you're ready to make it. Deciding on a Combined BA/MD or BS/MD Program Applying to college requires a lot of research, and applying to a combined medical school program requires even more. When you agree to a dual degree program, you’re not just committing to a school for four years of undergraduate coursework —you’re committing to six to eight years of both undergraduate and graduate education.
Because of the nature of this commitment, you must carefully consider your reasons for wanting to attend medical school. Make sure you and are comfortable pursuing an intensive track of study in the same city for the foreseeable future. Combined programs are highly selective, and they tend to expect applicants to have some experience, often through an internship or volunteer work in the medical field. Any kind of firsthand experience working in a medical setting or shadowing a doctor can help you determine whether an MD is the right degree for you. If you feel ready to commit to this path, then it's critical to put together the.
Demonstrate your passion for the field through your and experiences, and show admissions officers that you have the maturity and drive to pursue your pre-med and medical degrees in a combined program. If you ultimately decide that a combined program’s the right path for you, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy the assurance of a guaranteed medical school acceptance. Of course, you can probably only relax for a moment. Then it’s back to work! Are your sights set on the Ivy League? If you’re a motivated student applying to top schools, you should definitely check out our comprehensive guide on. In addition to sharing his tips for getting into Harvard, PrepScholar cofounder Allen Cheng published the teacher recommendation letters that got him accepted!
Check out Allen’s, and use them to guide you as you collect this of your application. You might know how important your recommendations and personal essay are for college, but do you know how to write about your extracurricular activities? This guide will show you on your college applications.