Antenna Simulation Software
Magnetic and Electric Field Software EMS is a magnetic and electric field simulation software. It primarily calculates the electromagnetic field, magnetic field, electric field, magnetic flux, magnetic force and torque, eddy current, and eddy current loss. It is also a magnetic design software since it calculates the resistance, inductance, and capacitance for coils and solenoids. It can readily be used as a transformer calculator or rather a transformer design software since it calculates the transformer losses including: eddy loss, core loss, hysteresis loss, copper loss, and heat loss.

Antenna modeling used to be the domain of scientists and engineers with very expensive antenna ranges covering acres and acres of land strewn with expensive equipment. Electromagnetic simulation software. Personal tools.
In a similar way, it is a motor software and can be used to calculate the motor torque and force, motor losses and efficiency. Is equipped with integrated thermal and structural solvers and couples to Solidworks Motion which make it a true Multiphysics simulation software. Is seamlessly embedded in Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor, and SpaceClaim. The applications of EMS are numerous which include. High Frequency Electromagnetic and Antenna Software HFWorks is a high frequency electromagnetic and antenna simulation software.
It calculates the electromagnetic field, and s-parameters. It is also an antenna design software which calculates antenna parameters including: gain, directivity, radiation pattern, near- and far-field, efficiency, radiation resistance, bandwidth, impedance, and VSWR. In a similar way, it is an RF and Microwave software that can be used to design filters, resonators, connectors, cables, transitions, transmission lines, and other passive RF and Microwave components.
Is also an electronic design automation tool which can be used to virtually prototype high frequency electronics devices and systems such as PCBs, chip package boards, semiconductors, and capacitors. By the same token, it an EMC, EMI, and signal integrity design software that can help you meet the stringent requirements imposed by FCC, CISPR, and other regulatory agencies.
Is equipped with an integrated thermal solver which is useful to calculate the heat dissipation and loss in your high frequency and high-speed design and thus help you in your electronics thermal management. Is seamlessly embedded in Solidworks.
. Design your vhf yagi antenna online, a JavaScript enhanced web page that implements the design of an antenna in the VHF, UHF by K7MEM. Antenna design program for Quads, Yagis, Inverted Vees, J-poles, Trap Dipoles and more. Cubical quad antenna calculator in java script let you calculate elements size and spacing in inch and meters. Enter the operating frequency and calculate dimensions of your jpole antenna.
Antenna Analysis software with the user in mind. 4nec2 is a completely free Nec2, Nec4 and windows based tool for creating, viewing, optimizing and checking 2D and 3D style antenna geometry structures and generate, display and/or compare near/far-field radiation patterns for both the starting and experienced antenna modeler. Can be interfaced to HFwin32 propagation prediction software. NEC-2 based antenna analysis software for the amateur and professional.
HamCalc is a free collection of calculators for radio amateurs include Antenna ERP calculations, Attenuators, Audio Filter design, Coil Winding, Decibels, Great Circles map and calculator, HF Filters, HF Traps, Metric conversions OP Amps QRA Locator to Latitude/Longitude, Radio Horizon calculator, Resonance Satellite orbit calculator Timer calculations (555 timer)Zener Diode calculations Download zip By G4VWL. Large collection of radio related software at web site. Program that produces antenna radiation patterns and graphs for SWR, forward gain, and F/B ratios.
J-pole Design Program V1.1 by WA2ISE. MININEC for Windows is antenna modeling tool for the novice, student and hobbyist. Calculate eh antenna components dimension with this online form. An on-line javascript calculator and quite a few pictures to show how to make a helix antenna.
Free Antenna Simulation Software

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Discone antenna deisgn program by K5DKZ. This is the place for downloading the latest DOS version of Quickyagi the freeware yagi modeling program with auto-design & optimize.
Antenna Simulation Software
Antenna Scatterers Analysis Program, is a Free general purpose antenna analysis software program for numerical electromagnetic antenna design, modeling and analysis. Source code and windows executables are available to download. Magnetic Loop Antenna Design software by DK1NB. Programs for common antennas and some experimental, includes, dipoles, quad, Yagi, verticals, discone, jpole skyhoppers and parabolic antennas.
An efficient program to calculate dimensions of coax dipoles, or bazooka antennas considering velocity length of different coax cables. Express dimensions in feet/inch and meters/cm.
Freeware by VE3SQB. A freeware software package for Yagi design. This webpage also contains many sample and standard antenna downloads for experimentation. Design helix antennas with this DOS program by OH0NC software,antenna analysis software, for ham radio operators and hams Pages: 1. Hits: 1954 Votes: 6 Rating: 5.00. Antenna Design and Simulation Software, ElectroMagnetic & Magnetic Simulation Software.
ElectroMagneticWorks provides electromagnetic and magnetic software and simulation as an Add-in to SolidWorks. EMS includes electrostatic, current flow or electric conduction, magnetostatic or DC magnetics, eddy current or AC -time harmonic- analysis, transient or pulsed magnetic, and thermal simulations. HFWorks includes s-parameter or scattering parameters, antenna or radiation, and resonance or eigenvalue simulation, Antenna design software. Hits: 114 Votes: 0 Rating: 0.00. ERP Calculator is an Amateur Radio software utility designed to perform a side-by-side comparison of two Ham Radio antenna systems. ERP Calculator comes pre-programmed with data files including published data for several popular brands and types of coax cable as well as several popular antenna system brands and models. ERP Calculator displays values of ERP, Antenna Power Gain, Antenna Feed point Power, Antenna System Gain in dB, Antenna Gain in dBd, SWR Attenuation in dB, SWR Power Attenuation, Coax Loss in dB, and Coax Power Loss.