Import From Autocad To Etabs
With a lot of powerful functions as shown in, after importing the floor data from AutoCAD drawings into this FSDT program, it is very easy and fast to edit the columns, beams, walls and slabs, change the dimensions, mesh the slab areas, add loads, assign concrete strengths and more. Then you could get Ready-to-Run Etabs and Safe Models. Importing the data made by FSDT into Etabs or Safe program, you can run the model immediately. Furthermore, once finish running the Etabs model, you can transfer the Etabs results, such as column forces, wall reactions and shear wall reinforcement into this FSDT program, and then export them to Excel file to read the Etabs result easily. You could also transfer the Safe results into FSDT program.
How To Make Import From Autocad To Archi Cad
Juniper odyssey client windows 7. More Import From Autocad To Etabs videos.
Import From Autocad To Etabs
FSDT saves you a lot of time. If it takes two days to make Etabs model by using Etabs itself, it will take only about two to three hours to make Etabs Model by using the FSDT program.
Take a chance to try it! You will be surprised for the very powerful functions in this FSDT program. Some functions are listed at right of this window and you could click them to see their details.