Office Xp

This Office product will reach end of support on October 10, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see,. Topic Last Modified: 2016-11-14 This topic lists differences between Microsoft Office XP and Microsoft Office 2003 that might be relevant to your migration to the 2007 Office system. This is not a complete list of all the changes. We recommend that you review the changes between Office 2003 and the 2007 Office system, at, to identify additional migration considerations.NET Programmability Support is added.
Genigraphics Wizard support is removed. Some converters or translators are removed due to obsolescence or security concerns. The following translators are still available as downloads, but these translators are not recommended due to the security risks they present:. Harvard Graphics 3.0 and 2.0 for DOS.
Feb 12, 2003 Microsoft Office XP Microsoft Visual Studio.NET for solution developers, or the Microsoft.NET Framework Redistributable for end users For more information. To make Microsoft® Office® XP applications available to Microsoft Visual Studio®.NET developers, Microsoft has created several primary interop assemblies (PIAs) that contain the official description of commonly used Microsoft Office XP type libaries for applications such as Microsoft Access 2002, Microsoft Excel 2002, Microsoft FrontPage® 2002, and more.
Lotus Freelance 1.0-2.1 for Windows. Pack and Go menu option is replaced by a more robust feature named Package for CD. Presentation Broadcasting is removed due to security concerns. You can download Presentation Broadcasting at (
Office Xp Support
Fonts are added. Microsoft Handwriting Component is added. International support changes:. Armenian and Georgian font option is removed. Hindi font option is removed. Tamil font option is removed.
Korean font option is removed. Traditional Chinese font option is removed. Simplified Chinese font option is removed. New and Open Office Document shortcuts are added.

Office XP Web Components option is removed. Office 2000 Web Components option is removed. Microsoft Office Download Control is added. Office SOAP Toolkit is added. Document Update Utility is added. Hosted Webs is added.
Microsoft Draw Converter is removed. Microsoft Forms 2.0.NET programmability support is added. Microsoft Graph.NET programmability support is added. Microsoft Office Document Imaging has new options, including:. Help.
Microsoft Office Document Image Writer. Scanning, OCR, and Indexing Service Filter. Microsoft Photo Editor is replaced by Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar is removed. Microsoft Photo Editor is removed. Organization Chart Converter is removed. Research Explorer Bar is added.
Smart Tag.NET programmability support is added. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server support is removed. Windows SharePoint Services support is added, plus Microsoft Office List Datasheet Component and Web Capture client. Office Visio is not included in Microsoft Office 2000 Professional or Microsoft Office 2003 Professional.
Office Visio is available as a Standard or Professional stand-alone release only. Data Flow Model Diagram Model Explorer is removed from the Data Flow Model Diagram template. The Forms template is removed.
Import Project Data Wizard can no longer import Office Excel data,.txt, or.mpx files into a timeline or convert data between a timeline and a Gantt chart by using the Import Project Data Wizard. You can still import Microsoft Office Project data by using the new Import Timeline Data Wizard. You can also use the Import Project Data Wizard to create Gantt charts. The Import Data Wizard is available on the Gantt Chart menu.
The Import Flowchart Data wizard and Organization Chart 5.0 conversion utility are removed. To import data into a flowchart in Microsoft Office Visio 2003, open the file in any previous version of Visio that supports the feature. Save the file in the native format for that version. You can then open the file from within Office Visio 2003. The Auto-discovery Feature is no longer available. The feature was removed in a previous version.
The New and Open Office Documents shortcuts are now optional. These shortcuts will probably not be available in future releases of Office. The shortcuts replace the previous Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar. To avoid potential problems, remove previous versions of Office before you install Office 2003. If the New and Open Office Documents shortcuts feature is not installed, the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar remains on the computer if previous versions of Office are not removed. The symptom of this issue is an empty template list in the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar tab windows for the respective application, if the application was removed.
The problem does not occur if the New and Open Office Documents Shortcuts feature option is installed with Office 2003. The New and Open Office Documents Shortcuts feature replaces the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar program. Users will no longer see an empty templates list. Due to differences in language settings, we recommend that you use the file that was created by Office Word 2003. Change the previous into a global template to retain macros that were created in in previous versions of Office Word.
You can use the same file if you are upgrading from Office Word 2000 to Office Word 2003. The settings are upgraded in the template file. However, you might experience problems if you copy an Office Word XP file from one computer to another computer that is running Office Word 2003. Office Outlook 2003 inherits the Office Outlook 2002 Object Model Guard behavior, to enhance a user's ability to determine if the Body or HTMLBody of an e-mail is trustworthy before the user opens the e-mail.
This change forces a display of security warnings in existing COM add-ins that attempt to access the Body or HTMLBody properties of items. You can avoid displaying a security warning from a COM add-in by deriving all objects, properties, and methods from the Application object that are passed to the OnConnection procedure of the add-in. The following properties are blocked by Office Outlook 2003:. ContactItem.IMAddress. MailItem.HTMLBody.
ContactItem.Body. MailItem.Body. PostItem.Body. AppointmentItem.Body.
TaskItem.Body. TaskRequestItem.Body. TaskRequestAcceptItem.Body.
TaskRequestDeclineItem.Body. TaskRequestUpdateItem.Body. DistListItem.Body. JournalItem.Body.
MeetingItem.Body. ReportItem.Body. RemoteItem.Body. NoteItem.Body.

DocumentItem.body. Office shortcuts appear on the Start Programs menu on computers that are running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows 2000, and versions of Office that are prior to Office 2003. The shortcuts appear on the Start All Programs menu on computers that are running Windows XP and versions of Office that are prior to Office 2003. Shortcuts appear in the Microsoft Office folder for Office 2003. The folder installs by default to the Start Programs menu on Windows 2000 and the Start All Programs menu on Windows XP.
Shortcuts that were placed in non-default locations might not be removed during an upgrade. Office Word 2003 can emulate the change tracking methods that are used in previous versions of Office Word. We recommend use of the new default settings. If necessary, you can demote the configuration to be the same as Office Word 97, Office Word 2000, or Office Word 2002.
When a user views a document in Print Layout in Word 2003, the document displays in the Final Showing Markup view. Comments and change tracking information displays in the right margin in this view.
To hide the balloons and see the document margins, change the Display for Review setting to Final before you print a document. Swiss format tournament software. The Comment pane no longer includes a button to close the pane. Instead, users must click the Reviewing Pane toolbar button on the Reviewing toolbar to close and open the Reviewing pane.
Office Xp Service Pack 3 - Error 0x80096004
Because there is no longer a Comments option on the View menu, users must use the Reviewing pane or Print Layout to see changes and comments.