Msew Software
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Msow Software
NEW: ADAMA Engineering is proud to be the exclusive reseller of program Optum:G2 in North America. Optum:G2 is a comprehensive finite element program for geotechnical stability and deformation analysis, utilizing a modern graphical user interface to easily apply a variety of soil and rock models in an expedient and robust framework.
Optum can handle any type of geotechnical problem, including seepage analyses, seismicity, soil reinforcement, stochastic analyses and more, enabling a rapid determination of both stability and deformation at the click of a mouse. See details in. Additional details are available. NOTE: The posted Update 14 of MSEW now includes an option to consider water in internal and external stability analyses. The methodology used corresponds to sudden drawdown of water next to waterfront structure. Dov Leshchinsky, Ph.D., and Ora Leshchinsky, P.E., incorporated ADAMA Engineering in Delaware in 1988.

ADAMA Engineering has been involved in geotechnical consulting to the public sector and has produced peer-reviewed and design-oriented public domain reports. Consulting to the private sector resulted in confidential reports, as requested by the client. ADAMA Engineering has offered numerous short courses on soil reinforcing and on slope stability engineering. ADAMA Engineering has provided expertise in forensic studies including litigation and review of designs. The combined knowledge of geotechnical engineering and computer programming has enabled ADAMA Engineering to develop generic, useful software for practicing engineers. ADAMA Engineering has also developed customized software for the private industry and the US government. ADAMA Engineering software (programs MSEW, ReSSA, ReSlope FoSSA and GeoCoPS, as well as its customized programs) has been used worldwide assisting qualified engineers in designing structures that are safe and economical.
Msew Software
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