One Book Rightly Divided - Dr. Douglas Stauffer One Book Rightly Divided (615) by Douglas D. Stauffer and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great. Buy a cheap copy of One Book Rightly Divided by Douglas D. One Book Rightly Divided tackles one of the most pressing thelogical debates of our time - how to.

I had intended to post each of these in the series separately, but do rather give the entire playlist for you to hopefully bookmark and watch it, repeatedly, for this.
Stauffer has made a significant contribution to the understanding of Dispensational truth. This book will aid the beginning in developing the ability to 'rightly divide' the word of God. In addition, it will help the seasoned Christian who holds to the dispensational understanding of scripture to sharpen their understanding of this important teaching of truth. I have used it as a text for college students with great success in teaching them how to understand the Bible. I highly recommend this book to all. Jerry Rockwell Pierre Part, LA.
'One Book Rightly Divided' by Douglas Stauffer is outstanding in every sense. The layout, print, diagrams and cover are impeccable. The book feels good, and is easy to read and handle. However, it is the contents and the text that lift 'One Book Rightly Divided' into a class of its own - light-years ahead of any similar work.This is the quintessential book on 'right division' and dispensationalism. Every Pastor, preacher, minister and Bible College lecturer NEEDS this book.
Sadly, much of the material in its pages will be unknown to those who are entrusted with 'feeding the flock' and teaching the word. However, 'One Book Rightly Divided' will ensure that ignorance or lack of understanding of 'right division' are no longer excusable for the Christian, be he teacher, pupil or just and ordinary church member.Dr Stauffer gently and patiently takes the reader on a Bible 'journey' that progressively builds an understanding of hitherto much-neglected Bible doctrine. At the end of the journey, the reader can only step back and and say 'What a wonderful God we have, what an awesome Bible He has preserved for us - and thank you Dr Stauffer for taking me on such an exciting journey.' Dr Dennis Spackman Medical Practitioner, church founder, Bible teacher.
Auckland, New Zealand. Found this book very enlighting. The King James Bible is clearly understood when you know where it's coming from, the time lines put all the events in proper perspective. Brother Stauffers' book is loaded with Bible references which show evidence to the truth contained there. Stauffer certainly knows his subject completely, which leaves the reader amazed at the facts from his indepth research,and without any doubts. This book is exciting to read as the information unfolds and the truth blossoms clear.

As a dedicated Bible reader, I must say that Dr. Stauffer has helped raise the fog from my eyes. Any person that studies the Bible can tell you that if you apply every verse (by itself) to your life, you will be schizophrenic in a sense. I have discovered now, what parts of the Bible apply to me today.
A House Divided - Youtube
Stauffer does not reduce the importance of any verse of the Bible, but merely clarifies which of the gospels apply to modern man. I encourage any person to study this book. I would nearly say that if they did not realize what I have realized, I would give them a refund myself.
Dr Douglas Stauffer One Book Rightly Divided
God has clearly used Dr. Stauffer by blessing him with this knowledge.