File Save Game Ps2
Does size matter? I am going to make a list of some good games and its saved file size. Apparently, people who don't pay attention to their remaining ps2 memory card capacity will find themselves buying a nice game and not be able to play it. I will update the list when I gather more information.
Does anyone know of any site offering downloadable ps2 game saves?? Downloadable PS2 games saves. Open the game save file with PS2 Save Builder 5. Mar 18, 2010 Boot.ELF and PS2 Save Builder are located in the. Find the game you want from. Back in the PS2 Save Builder, Highlight all the “File.
The main purpose of this is that I am low on ps2 memory myself, but then again. There may be tons of people with the same problem when it comes to buying ps2 games. Its not like the Xbox which comes with 50,000+ blocks for saving saved games. I have 3 ps2 memory cards until only quite recently. My spare one was mainly used for Soul Calibur 3, a game that tends to have a save game glitch issue.
I didn't know until I bought the game awhile back. I bought it for a cheap price of $ game. While searching for codes, I ended up discovering that when you save the game and you remove another game's save file or modify it on the same memory card, the Soul Calibur 3's Chronicles of the Sword save game will get corrupted and there was also a rare possibility that the entire card could get corrupted. And so, I bought the 3rd ps2 memory card. Jeez, it costed $25.more expensive than the game itself!!!
2-3 weeks ago, my first/primary ps2 memory card got corrupted over a Genji save game file transfer. After that, I replaced the primary ps2 memory card with the 3rd memory card by first transferring all the Soul Calibur III save game files elsewhere. Thus, I now use 2 ps2 memory cards. Actually, the thing about ps2 memory card's capacity. One time, I bought the game Silent Hill 4 for 20 bucks, decided to try it out, ended up playing it for 1.5 hours.
When I wanted to quit, I tried to save game. I didn't know that it takes more than 1000 kb.
After 1.5 hours of gameplay, I failed to save game. In the end, I never played Silent Hill 4 again. However, the game had good graphics, so recently.
I bought the Xbox version for a cheap price of 3 bucks only. With 50,000+ blocks left on my Xbox, all I need is time. Unfortunately, I don't plan on playing Xbox until way way after Christmas. Too many games, too little time!!!
It is not possible to make a direct conversion between systems. Many parts of the save are not compatible. In particular, the radio block and models block are very different. It is theoretically possible to get a PS2 save to run on PC since I was able to convert PC saves that work on PS2.
I had to create the save with PS2 scripts, make significant modifications to the save file by merging it with a suitable save from the other system that provided working radio and models blocks, convert a few model numbers for objects that don't match, and patch around the differences in the Misc block. I don't remember what happened when I tried to start a 2-player mission with the PS2 scripts running on PC. I'm probably forgetting some of the required procedures; it's been a while since I made this type of conversion. It was very difficult, and very few people have as much experience with editing save files. I recommend that you abandon your effort to convert saves from PS2 to PC.
There is nothing important in a PS2 save that isn't also in the PC save. Instead, find a PC save that is close to your PS2 save and modify it with your garaged vehicles, stats, clothing, weapons, or ammo. If you can enumerate your goals then perhaps we can recommend more efficient methods to get the job done. QUOTE (OrionSR @ Apr 9 2009, 10:22) If you can enumerate your goals then perhaps we can recommend more efficient methods to get the job done.
I wanted to get my progress from the PS2 version without redoing it. I guess I could open both saves with save editor and match up all the options.
![Ps2 Ps2](
I saw that a lot of blocks didn't match up when I compared the two files. It's probably more trouble than it's worth.
Also, I assume that simply substituting files from the PS2 version wouldn't work, as it didn't with main.scm (but the game did run). This is off topic, but would you have any idea how to get the palette offset from a PC.txd? I've managed to do a few simple.txd mods (billboards, clothing, stuff in the convenience stores) on the PS2 but the colors are often wrong. The only time I have received the 'Save Game Corrupted' message where the save name is usually located is when the checksum is incorrect. However, you are performing experiments I've never tried. My guess would be that the differences in the Misc block might also generate this message.
PS2 uses a vastly different method for calculation things like system time, so this information cannot be used as is. If you want a save with similar progress then check the various save game archives available in the sticky topics listed in the PC Version sub-forum. If you can find a save that is close enough then you might be done and ready to play again. If you want this save to be more like your PS2 save then start replacing the blocks one at a time. Run the checksum tool (easy and reliable), or calculate it yourself; either way should work. Block Notes: Block 0: Miscellaneous - Leave the PC Block in place. Make manual edits if required.
Eventually you should be able to copy the middle of the block from your PS2 save and paste it over the appropriate section of the PC block. Block 1: Script - Save this for later. When you copy this block you will need to replace your PC scripts with the scripts from PS2.
Block 2: Players & Objects - Another late edit. Moving this block will require editing a few model numbers.
Player handle is different for PS2v2. This handle will probably need to match the script version (6 for PS2v2, 2 for all other versions). PS2: countn2.ide 12008, quarrycrane, desquarrycrane, 150, 209, quarrycranearm, desquarrycrane, 150, 200, quarrycranebase, desquarrycrane, 150, 0 PC: countn2.ide 16328, quarrycrane, desquarrycrane, 150, 209, quarrycranearm, desquarrycrane, 150, 200, quarrycranebase, desquarrycrane, 150, 0 Block 3: Garages - Should copy between systems without problems. Locked or Unlocked garages might be inconsistent with the properties purchased. Unlocked early should not be a problem, just a little weird. Unlocking or locking a garage is a pretty easy manual edit. PS2v2 (greatest hits, platinum) only has 49 garages instead of 50, so the block size is probably much smaller.
This shouldn't be a problem if the end of the save is padded or trimmed to maintain the the proper file size. Block 4: Wasted/Busted - Should copy between systems without problems. Main concern is girlfriend status for Katie and Barbara. They alter the Lose stuff flags.
Block 5: Disabled Pathnode Cubes - Should copy without problems, but probably isn't necessary if the saves are similar in missions competed. Main concern is if Yay Ka-Boom-Boom completed or not.
I don't think Green Sabre changes these settings. Block 6: Pickups - Should copy between systems. However, the timers might need to be reset or used pickup may never respawn, or dropped pickups might never unspawn. Hmvartak's traffic glitch fix might be useful for resetting all the timers.
Lots of concern here, especially with the property pickups. This will also affect the status of the enex and marker blocks. Many pickups are referenced by their index stored in global variables. Pickups are frequently added depending on mission progress and hidden items collected. Block 7: (Unused) - same Block 8: Restart Locations - Should copy between systems without problems, but probably isn't necessary if the saves have the same girlfriends. Block 9: Markers - Should copy between systems without problems, if the map markers are not set. Otherwise, there is a reference somewhere to the marker handle that might need to be adjusted.
Marker indexes are stored in global variables. Markers vary based on mission progress and properties owned. Block 10: Zones - Should copy between systems without problems, but PS2v1 saves are more prone to turf glitches. You'll need to copy this block in order to get your territories under control and gang densities to match. Block 11: Gang Weapons - PS2 and PC blocks match byte for byte. This information varies based on tag progress.
Block 12: Car Generators - Should copy between systems without problems; timers might need to be reset. Car generator indexes are stored in global variables and used to hide and unhide vehicles. This will be especially noticeable on GF cars that switch status a couple times a day. Mission and side-mission progress is a primary concern. Block 13: (Unused) - same Block 14: (Unused) - same Block 15: Player data - Should copy between systems without problems. Block 16: Stats - Save for later. The PC block is 4 bytes larger than the PS2 Block.
The difference appears fairly late in the block. Changing the size of blocks requires padding or trimming the file size. It's easy to pad with FFs or cut the end of the file. Block 17: Police trigger zones - Should copy between systems without problems, but timers might need to be reset. Probably not necessary. I suggest grabbing this block from a brand new save to avoid any problem with timers.
Block 18: Models - Leave the PC block in place. This block is much different, and no one knows what the data does. Block 19: Ped Acquaintances - Should copy between systems without problems, probably isn't necessary. Block 20: Tags - Should copy between systems without problems.
No problems unless all tags are collected on one save and not the other. Block 21: IPL - Use the PC block.
Set flags manually if necessary. Block 22: Shopping - Should copy between systems without problems. Block 23: Gang wars - Might copy between systems without problems. If this block gives you trouble then try setting the gang wars flag as required and zeroing out all other data.
I suspect the Territories Under Control float and other data will eventually get updated by other scripts. Block 24: Unique Stunt Jumps - Should copy between systems without problems. Block 25: ENEX Connections - Should copy between systems without problems, probably isn't necessary if both saves are saved at the same location; which would probably be a good idea anyway. Properties owned, as well as mission progress, plays a large roll in this block.
Block 26: Radio Data - Block is very different. Use the PC block and hopefully the saves are similar enough that you won't get confusing dialog on the radio.
Much of this data is based on the stats block. On second thought, I was probably under-estimating the problems you will encounter. Most of the time I meant that the blocks will copy and the save will load, but if you only complete part of the transition and try to play you will likely encounter lots of strange errors. For example, if the car generators are moved but the script block is not, the save will probably load just fine. But if you complete a mission that hides or displays a vehicle the wrong vehicle is likely to be changed.
The handles (index) for the vehicles is stored in a global variable contained in the script block, and the globals are different. Or, if you move the script block and not the car generators, then the indexes won't be correct. Which leads me back to my other suggestion.
Most of the data is the same of different versions so there isn't a need to make all these edit unless you enjoy the challenge. Find a PC save that is close to your PS2 save's progress and change only what you need to: things like garaged vehicles, stats, etc. QUOTE (marshmallow1304 @ Apr 10 2009, 22:10) First 2 edits worked. I have my cars. So far so good.
Damn, you are ambitious. Okay, I guess I'd better read through my notes and try to anticipate problems. I'll make edits to the post above.
What version of SA for PS2 are you using? I understand you are using v1 for PC, that should help. QUOTE (CowGirl69) what equipment do you need to do this? Please be aware that save conversions between systems is only a theoretical possibility. There is currently no easy way to convert saves. Everything must be done by hand using a hex editor. I suspect that anyone attempting to make this type of edit will also need to become skilled with mission coding for San Andreas to finally work out all the bugs.
Pcsx2 How To Save
However, your interest is quite encouraging. I've been downplaying the idea of a save conversion utility because I didn't anticipate much interest. Perhaps I was wrong. (marshmallow - keep good notes, they might come in handy.).
QUOTE (OrionSR @ Apr 10 2009, 22:39) Damn, you are ambitious. This is what I do instead of homework. QUOTE (OrionSR @ Apr 10 2009, 22:39) What version of SA for PS2 are you using? I understand you are using v1 for PC, that should help. I'm not quite sure for the PS2. I know it's M and not AO and it's not the Greatest Hits version. I use it on a hard drive to make modding easier and to save my laser, and I don't know where I put the box.
I'll probably get back on it tomorrow and I'll keep a text file of what I do. I've finished my first run-through, avoiding any blocks that looked like they might cause any trouble. I launched and loaded the game after each edit, but I didn't test extensively. Marshmallow1304, great start. I'll take a look at your original files and see if I can figure out which block might have changed the file size. I was expecting this to be an issue eventually, but not with the blocks you've started with.
Changing the size of blocks usually isn't a great concern, and is often necessary. When this happens, trim the end of the file or pad it with FFs to maintain the proper file size. I'm surprised the game didn't protest, but I'm sure many of the utilities will. Which save game editor are you using? I suggest having both on hand.
The GTA SA Savegame Editor v2.8 by Paul Breeuwsma has been a reliable tool for editing ever since the most recent update. However, it is a tad limited in the features it offers. I don't trust it to make proper edits to PS2 saves. It was never designed or tested for this purpose. However, it can read the PS2 files and make some edits without any noticeable problems. I don't expect it to handle PS2 globals very well.
The GTA:SA Save Game Editor v1.0 by Ryosuke is a very powerful tool for reading SA save files. However, I have had inconsistent results using it to edit the saves. I suspect this is due to differences in the Japanese version of the game. Still, it's a great program for reading the save and displaying the information in an easy to understand manner. Notes: I was expecting the PC template to be a little closer to the progress of the PS2 save.
It will be interesting to note if this makes much of a difference in the long run. Block 17: Police trigger zones - Again, I suggest grabbing this block from a brand new save to avoid potential problems with the timers; it's difficult to tell if they aren't working properly. It doesn't matter if the block is from PS2 or PC, the only differences are due to slightly different ways that PCs and PS2s round floating point number. Block 4: Wasted/Busted - Set the busted wasted flags according to GF status.
The timers and unknown flags can be cleared. Block sizes below include the BLOCK header. Block 3: Garages - Block size is identical for these saves. 9164 bytes (expected to be smaller if PS2 save was v2). Block 4: Wasted/Busted - Block size is identical 16 bytes Block 5: Disabled Pathnode Cubes - PC block is 28 bytes larger. 1073/1101 Block 7: (Unused) - 0 bytes.
Block 8: Restart Locations - Block Size is identical. Block 10: Zones - Block Size is identical. Block 11: Gang Weapons - Block Size is identical. Block 13: (Unused) - 0 bytes.
Block 14: (Unused) - 0 bytes. Block 15: Player data - Block Size is identical. Block 19: Ped Acquaintances - Block Size is identical. Block 20: Tags - Block Size is identical.
Block 22: Shopping - PS2 block is 32 bytes larger. 589/557 +4 bytes Block 24: Unique Stunt Jumps - Block Size is identical. Block 5: Disabled Pathnode Cubes - Missions are alway adding and deleting pathnode cubes. Usually these are temporary and only used during the mission, then disabled. Perhaps the extra data is left over from a mission. Or, perhaps the difference in progress accounts for the changes. Examining the scripts might provide some clues.
I wouldn't worry about it. Block 22: Shopping - Interesting. The extra data is part of the 'entries' section early in the block.
I don't think anyone has ever decoded what the entries are used for. The strange thing is that the entries in the PS2 block appear to be only 4 bytes in size. The documentation for the PC block lists the entries as 8 bytes in size. I'm not sure what will happen with this block, or how to test it. Added: I downloaded a handful of PC saves and examined the beginning of the shopping block.
The entries section at the beginning is always blank. If you load a save modded with PS2 entries and save do the entries disappear? Are the clothing available in the wardrobe the same? For these initial edits, it might be safer to clear the entries count and cut the entries data.
My mission progress tools don't handle the PS2 saves so I can't tell how much progress was made on a save titled 'New Model Army.' Where are you in the game?
Save Editing Reference: Reference for zones in SA. Shows the initial settings for gang zones. They are a tad different later in the game. The SaveGame Editor v2.8 does a good job with the zones. The Japanese editor is all out of whack.
Presumable the zones are different in the JP version and the data is hard coded. QUOTE (hmvartak @ Apr 12 2009, 09:37) QUOTE (OrionSR @ Apr 11 2009 @ 09:22) Block 18: Models - Leave the PC block in place.
This block is much different, and no one knows what the data does. When I replaced this block from very different save, I could not find any problem.
Then I completely filled this block with 0xFF, then loaded the game and saved. And found that, the block has restored it's original data.
So I guess there should not be any problem with this block. I'm still a bit worried about this block. We had strange problems with soft spots in the planet when we disabled IPL streams in an effort to control the barrier flags for different versions of the game. I can't think of any other place where this type of data might be stored. The problem was inconsistent, but usually occurred after playing for a while and reloading the save.
I'm curious what would happen if a save with the models block flooded with 00s was reloaded. QUOTE stats show 54 territories held Something is always scanning the zones and updating the gang stats. It usually doesn't take long for changes to get updated. QUOTE (OrionSR @ Apr 12 2009, 05:21) Which save game editor are you using?
I was using Savegame Editor 2.8. I can't seem to find the other. QUOTE (OrionSR @ Apr 12 2009, 05:21) Block 17: Police trigger zones - Again, I suggest grabbing this block from a brand new save OK. I made a new PC save and redid that block. QUOTE (OrionSR @ Apr 12 2009, 05:21) I can't tell how much progress was made on a save titled 'New Model Army.' Where are you in the game? In the 'New Model Army' game, I've completed all story missions.
QUOTE (OrionSR @ Apr 12 2009, 05:21) If you load a save modded with PS2 entries and save do the entries disappear? After saving, the block still starts with '.a.e.' QUOTE (OrionSR @ Apr 12 2009, 05:21) Are the clothing available in the wardrobe the same? QUOTE (OrionSR @ Apr 13 2009, 01:05) Yeah. Looks like you are correct. The models look okay to me.
Floods of 08s did pretty much the same thing, but I didn't check to see if the data was restored. Well, I guess this makes the holes in the planet even more of a mystery. I was fairly certain the problem persisted somewhere in the save, but I've got no idea where. It's not actually restoring the data. It makes some changes. I think it is related to the recently loaded models in the memory.
I'll tell you what I observed. 1.) I started new game and saved in jefferson house and quit the game. 2.) Then I loaded the same save and quickly saved in another slot and quit the game. 3.) On comparing block18 of both saves I found some changes. 4.) Loaded newly created game and quickly saved in another slot and quit.
5.) On comparing both files, I found no changes. 6.) Then I loaded this third file and left the jefferson house. Then I back to house and saved in new slot.
7.) On comparing this with the previous one, I found changes. So I guess this block 18 is kind of log of recently used models, simply dumped from memory. Not very important block.
Below is the code segment that appeared to be causing problems with holes in the planet. I'm not sure if this altered the models block or not.
When this code segment was used we frequently found soft spots in the areas around the tunnels to the SF airport tarmac, the land south of the track spur that leads down to the NRG-500 Dry Dock in SF, around the Creek safe house in LV, and near Helena's house in Flint County. We changed the way this code segment works and the problem went away. CODE //PDE/CG24: IPL Objects based on version with early enabling. //Start fresh by turning off all the flags.
0777: deleteobjectsinobjectgroup 'BARRIERS1' 0777: deleteobjectsinobjectgroup 'BARRIERS2' 0777: deleteobjectsinobjectgroup 'CARTER' 0777: deleteobjectsinobjectgroup 'CRACK' 0777: deleteobjectsinobjectgroup 'TRUTHSFARM' 0777: deleteobjectsinobjectgroup 'sfsestream0' // v2 BARRIERS1 0777: deleteobjectsinobjectgroup 'sfsestream1' // v2 BARRIERS2 0777: deleteobjectsinobjectgroup 'vegasnstream2' // v2 CARTER 0777: deleteobjectsinobjectgroup 'countrywstream5' // v2 CRACK // v2 truthsfarm is same as v1 crack so it's already deleted. I'm not sure how I screwed up, but I was completely wrong about the size of the shopping entry data for PS2.
The entries appear to be 8 bytes in length, just as the documentation for PC reports. The posts above have been edited to scratch out those notes. Sorry about that.
I inserted the shopping entries from your PS2 save into one of my End of the Line save and went on a shopping spree. I tried every type of shopping activity I could think of and could not get the data to change. I finally found a PC save with shopping entries. I'm not sure how it got there, but the data is the same as yours so I suppose there aren't any risks of conflict. I was also able to identify several more PS2 saves with shopping entry data.
I have only been able to identify 4 types of entry data. In some of the PS2 saves only 1 or 3 of the entries were included. The order of the entries isn't always the same. 0D 61 05 65 0F 00 00 00 - 0x0D BB F9 E9 EE 14 00 00 00 - 0x0014EEE9F9BB 22 EE 8A 32 2C 01 00 00 - 0x012C328AEE22 FD 18 50 C5 2C 01 00 00 - 0x012CC55018FD Patching Block 0: Miscellaneous It's difficult to tell when the data tends to be quite different, but here's my best guess on patching the PC block with data from the PS2 block. Offsets are based on the PC data and calculated in hex with 0x0000 as the first byte after BLOCK. 0x0000 Version ID - use the PC Version ID. 0x0004 through 0x011D - I think your PS2 data can replace the PC data byte for byte.
0x011E through 0x012F - leave the PC system time information in place. The offsets are now different due to the system time information. 0x0130 through 0x0137 (PC) - copy the last 8 bytes of the PS2 block (0x0140 through 0x0147) and paste it over the last 8 bytes of the PC block. (I think, the flags look right if you have completed 50 taxi fares and haven't completed Pimping. However, the data is blank for the target marker handle (0x0130 on PC) for both saves so I can't be sure this data is aligned correctly. I think it will work.
Patching Block 2: Players & Objects This is pretty easy. The only number that needs to change is the 1st one on each line. The complete lines from the Item Definition file are listed below for reference. PS2: countn2.ide 12008, quarrycrane, desquarrycrane, 150, 209, quarrycranearm, desquarrycrane, 150, 200, quarrycranebase, desquarrycrane, 150, 0 PC: countn2.ide 16328, quarrycrane, desquarrycrane, 150, 209, quarrycranearm, desquarrycrane, 150, 200, quarrycranebase, desquarrycrane, 150, 0 So, change 12008 to 0x2EE8 to E8 2E 00 00.