Pc Dmis Serialization Error
Hello, I am getting a serialization error when I try to save an observable collection to the isolated storage. This is the isolated storage object I am trying to save: stats = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings; stats.Save; The observable collection I am trying to save is an ordinary ObservableCollection. IDice is an ordinary interface that is being inherited by objects (including SixSidedDice) inside the observable collection. I have no problem with saving the isolated storage object with other observable collections that don't use interfaces. The full error message I am getting reads: Type 'DiceLibrary.SixSidedDice' with data contract name 'SixSidedDice:is not expected. Add any types not known statically to the list of known types - for example, by using the KnownTypeAttribute attribute or by adding them to the list of known types passed to DataContractSerializer. This seems to suggest to me that it is trying to do something web service-y (because of the mention of a contract) but I am not calling any webservices in my entire solution.
PC-DMIS 2013 MR1 Service Pack 4 Download. Math Error' message randomly appeared when PC-DMIS calibrated. A serialization error occurred for a. Home > an error > serialization error alt Serialization Error Alt. Channels Read Member List Help Home Forum PC-DMIS Enterprise Metrology Software PC. To Install and use PC-DMIS you will need. Error messages relating to DCC. Selecting a subroutine that did not have the same serialization.
But the more I think about it the more I think that the problem might lie in the fact that my observable collection is of an interface. Thanks for your replies. Pankaj's solution takes a step in the right direction.
I now get an InvalidDataContractException with the message: Type 'System.Windows.Media.Transform' cannot be serialized. Consider marking it with the DataContractAttribute attribute, and marking all of its members you want serialized with the DataMemberAttribute attribute. Alternatively, you can ensure that the type is public and has a parameterless constructor - all public members of the type will then be serialized, and no attributes will be required. I assume that is something to do with the fact that I have a collection of points in the classes I am trying to serialise?.
Release Date: May 30, 2014 2013 MR1 Service Pack 4 Fixes and Improvements:. Fixed an issue where an 'Attempting to save data for probe: from program.' Message appeared when a part program for a dual-arm machine was executed and then saved.
Fixed an issue where a 'Calibration Math Error' message randomly appeared when PC-DMIS calibrated scanning probes in a multiple arm configuration. Fixed an issue where PC-DMIS stopped working when a looped part program with pointclouds was executed and then File Quit was selected to close the program. Fixed an issue where PC-DMIS stopped working when File Quit was selected after a part program with a laser cone auto feature was executed. Fixed an issue where the second nominal angle vector for a SQUARE SLOT feature in an imported DES file was incorrect. Fixed an issue where Arm 2 on a dual-arm machine moved to a wrong coordinate after an iterative alignment when the part program contained a MOVE/POINT command. Fixed an issue where the data in an imported DMIS file was incorrect when a parameter in the file contained a blank character.
Pc Dmis Serialization Error Fcf Position
Fixed an issue where the data in an imported DMIS file was creating a DIAM command incorrectly. Fixed an issue where PC-DMIS stopped working when it performed internal, language-specific comparisons of strings, especially in the Turkish translation. Fixed an issue where the calculated A and B angles that appeared in the Wrist Angles Matching Requested Vector dialog box were inappropriate when the Auto Wrist Toggle icon was used to choose the best wrist position. Fixed an issue where PC-DMIS stopped working when part programs, especially part programs with CAD models, were edited and executed multiple times a day. Fixed an issue where PC-DMIS would only run by a user with administrator access by changing the C: ProgramData WAI PC-DMIS 2013 MR1 folder in Windows Vista/7/8 from administrator access to standard user access. Fixed an issue where a part program with one or more pointcloud operators increased in size when the part program was executed and saved multiple times. Fixed an issue where a Position dimension's planar tolerance zone values for a cylinder feature were incorrect when the planar zone direction was X or Y, and the datum reference frame was Primary.
Fixed an issue where the animation of the path lines on a CAD model for a probe head rotation displayed only part of the probe rotation angle. Fixed an issue where a serialization error occurred for a COP/OPER,EXPORT command in a part program with subroutines. Fixed an issue that occurred during installation where the CLM Tools component failed to install with a message of 'A failure occurred attempting to install CLM Tools (x86).' . Fixed an issue where a parameter set that was changed with the UseParameterSet command in a part program running on a machine with a Leitz B3-controller resulted in the error message: 'The ' command is not supported by the currently active 'Analogue Contact' probe.' .
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Pc Dmis Error Messages
Fixed an issue where a constructed alignment plane that was mirrored resulted in incorrect data in the dimension deviations. Fixed an issue that occurred when manual hits were taken using a star probe without a wrist, and the theoretical probe offset was used to evaluate the hit position instead of the calibrated probe offset, resulting in an incorrect hit position. Fixed an issue where a Zeiss manual machine was unable to work with the 64-bit version of PC-DMIS. (Topic ID 16101-745).