Bicubic Interpolation Pdf
Bicubic Interpolation Xiao Shu 1 Electrical and Computer Engineering McMaster University, Canada March 25, 2013 1Email: X. Shu (ECE @ McMaster. Bicubic ~.75 secs Interpolation of Angles • Linear interpolation of angles, in 2D. • In 3D, find the plane that contains two vectors, and interpolate angle in that. Bicubic Interpolation Bicubic interpolation solves for the value at a new point by analyzing the 16 data points surrounding the interpolation region, see the example.
Comparison of Bicubic interpolation with some 1- and 2-dimensional interpolations. Black and red/yellow/green/blue dots correspond to the interpolated point and neighbouring samples, respectively. Their heights above the ground correspond to their values. In, bicubic interpolation is an extension of for data points on a. The interpolated surface is than corresponding surfaces obtained. Bicubic interpolation can be accomplished using either, or algorithm. In, bicubic interpolation is often chosen over bilinear or nearest-neighbor interpolation in, when speed is not an issue.
Bicubic Interpolation C#
In contrast to bilinear interpolation, which only takes 4 (2×2) into account, bicubic interpolation considers 16 pixels (4×4). Images resampled with bicubic interpolation are smoother and have fewer interpolation. The lower half of this figure is a magnification of the upper half, showing how the apparent sharpness of the left-hand line is created. Bicubic interpolation causes overshoot, which increases. The bicubic algorithm is frequently used for scaling images and video for display (see ). Bionix fitness computer user manual.
It preserves fine detail better than the common algorithm. However, due to the negative lobes on the kernel, it causes (haloing).
Bicubic Interpolation Image
This can cause, and is an artifact (see also ), but it increases (apparent sharpness), and can be desirable. See also.