Mw4 Patches

Guy from the link above here. The difference between the game on the disk and the download I provided are that the download (which originally was distributed by MekTek for free (legally)) has all of the official patches and the extra official packs (clan and inner sphere expansions) alongside some (really well done) fan made content packs which basically overhaul the UI (for the better) and essentially quadruple the amount of mechs and weapons you can use (along with adding a few custom maps and slightly upping the texture quality if I remember right). Basically, the MekTek release is the CD release PLUS all official content available for it and some really well done mods.
I found these patches on the old, which looks like it has become inactive but the files are still there. Not sure how these patches differ from the ones AceArcher is linking. I'm guessing they are for the retail version of MW4 Mercs. Someone else will have to offer a comparison. mercpr1.exe. mekpak302a-pr1-wnp. mekpak302a-302a.exe The first one is definitely the MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries Point Release 1 (PR1) from Microsoft.
Mw3 Patches

Mw3 Patch Download Pc
I see Microsoft also has a MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries Mission Editor.
Mw3 Patch Download
So I've tried playing MW4 Vengeance from a CD on my Windows 10-equipped laptop. It downloaded without a hitch, and I thought that was just. Hi I just bought MechWarrior 4 Mercenaries. I am wondering about updates for the game and where to get them. I guess there is a bit of voodoo.